A partial list of flowers that may take additional time to open include all lilies (but especially white asiatics), ranunculus, gladiolus, and green mini-hydrangeas.
For orders with less than 72 hrs notice a 10% Rush order fee will be added at checkout.
Once you’ve established color, type and number of flower bunches you need, use the Categories list to search for the flowers you want to purchase. Click “All Flowers” to see the names of flowers you can choose from. For your convenience, most all flower type have a picture when you click on the name. Under each flower name, seasonal availability, grade and number of stems per bunch are listed.

When you are ready, simply add flowers to your shopping cart and continue shopping until you have everything that you need. Remember to add greenery and floral supplies to complete your designs. When your shopping cart has what you need, follow the safe and secure check out process to complete your order.
► For orders totaling under $50.00 a low order fee of $8.00 will be assessed at checkout.
Portland Wholesale Florist orders can be picked up at our retail partner:
Broadway Floral
1638 NE Broadway Portland, OR
In addition, there is an option to have your wholesale flowers delivered
10am - 4pm Monday through Friday
10am - 3pm Saturday.
to you in the local area. See the Delivery page for details.
Flowers purchased from Portland Wholesale Florist are packaged in bunches often times wrapped in cellophane or plastic directly from the growers. Flowers will need to be cleaned and conditioned by the customer. See “Caring for Your Wholesale Flowers” for complete instructions.
When the flowers arrive at the retail partner, they are cut and placed in water awaiting pickup. You should plan on bringing your own buckets (5 gallon are recommended) for transportation. Bulk flowers will be packaged in their grower shipping box unless other arrangements have been made.

► Save up to 25%! Do you need a large quantity of a single type of flower?
Click “Bulk Flowers” or “Bulk Roses” to order at a greater discount.